
Presentation - Nadezhda Andreeva

Presentation - Nadezhda Andreeva

I’m writing to apply for participation in the School project SUMMER INTERNSHIP IN SPAIN “ERASMUS+”.

I’m a student in 11 grade at the High school of commerce “Georgi S. Rakovski” – Varna. My specialty is IT in Economics. I study different school subjects such as accounting, macroeconomics, microeconomics, IT, Computer Architecture & Design, Business Communications and others.

It is a great challenge for me to participate in the project “ERASMUS+” Key activity 1: „Educational mobility for citizens“, contract № 2015-1-BG01-KA102-014051 because I am craving to acquire new skills in the fields of IT business in such a big firm, in such an interesting country like Spain. The practice there, I believe, will give me a good chance to improve my language competencies. I hope to have the opportunity to see and learn a lot about the newest methods in work; to be able to take part in the project activities in the best possible way.

I am good at working with different computer program products – Microsoft Office, Internet applications, design programs such as Photoshop, Photoscape, professional video editing programs Proshow Producer & Gold and I have a very good English level, both spoken and written.

I would like to apply for the position of assistant to the Design expert in the IT Department. However, I will agree with your competent decision on my placement. The practice will help to improve my mobility and communication skills. It will bring great pleasure and unforgettable moments.
The time spent in Spain will help me to learn more about this kind of business. In the future I hope to start my own business. My utmost desire is to develop and realize myself in a hard-working international environment.

I hope to be up to your requirements and so have the chance to be invited to participate in the Project.

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