
Presentation - Dayana Kostova

I wish to apply for participation in the project "Business practice online marketing and e-commerce". I am considered appropriate participant in this project.

My motivation to participate are:

Possess good communication skills and knowledge of business etiquette, know how to work a computer and do presentations. I have participated in the project "Young Ideas For Europe" and "Meeting Diversity". I attended lectures on different topics like "How to learn from the success of others" and "Marketing". I cope well with teamwork. Fluent in English.

Possess the following personal qualities and motivation:

Doing well in a new environment and quickly inclusion. Easily create new contacts and easily acquire new knowledge.

 I believe that this project will give me the opportunity to show my knowledge and skills not only in theory but also in practice and also to upgrade. Will expand my horizons and outlook. Meeting new people will allow me to buy you new knowledge and experience. I know there is still much to learn and this is my chance. It will be my honor to be a part of it.

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